Chimera's Tale Emporium
--May your troubles be few, and your tales epic--
The Beginning
Chimera's Tale Emporium, was established July 2011 by Katrinka Stanley-Manning as an small home business with the intention of focusing on online sales, and going to local craft fairs and gaming conventions.
The Name
"Chimera" came from the idea that she refused to specialize in just one craft or carry just one product. She also wanted something that alluded to the variety of things that inspired her. The mythical beast, being a blend of several animals with each one being distinct and identifiable seemed like the perfect fit. "Tale" is of course a bit of a play on words as Chimera's are normally depicted with a snake for a tail. "Emporium" was added to the end just before creation solely to help identify Chimera's Tale as a store. It was chosen over other synonyms because it seemed to fit the fantasy-esque theme "Chimera's Tale"evoked in her mind.
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